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Keto chocolate chip cookie in microwave


Keto chocolate chip cookie in microwave

have you ever tried making a chocolate chip cookie in the microwave let me show you how i made this so we have three tablespoons of almond flour and then we have our baking powder which  is 1 / 4 teaspoon we have one teaspoon of sweetener but this one does have stevia so if you're using allelos you'd use about a tablespoon a quarter teaspoon of salt then we have a teaspoon of vanilla 

extract we have one egg yolk and we mix okay i almost forgot a main ingredient we have two tablespoons of butter there we go and now you just mix everything together this is a very very forgiving recipe so yeah no worries this is honestly a perfect chocolate chip cookie when you don't 

want to make a full batch so we have our batter our sugar free chocolate chips from chalk zero we're going to add uh this is two tastes so about a you know you can add a teaspoon a tablespoon whatever you want we're going to microwave this for 40 seconds and if you're about that you know chocolate life then you can actually just add a few more this is dessert you know let's go ahead and microwave this okay 

so we put it into our microwave 40 seconds and okay and this is what it will look like if you could see that let's go to the counter 

okay so this is what our cookie looks like as soon as it comes out i'm gonna let this sit for about two minutes and then i will show you the texture okay so here's our cookie and this would go perfect with some ice cream like a la mode but i'm 

telling you right now this here is absolutely delicious it is it just tastes like a chocolate chip cookie this of course is a soft version let me know if you guys want me to keep recipe testing and come up with a crunchy version but for now we have a microwave chocolate chip cookie that's absolutely amazing you guys are going to love it so here's the taste test oh yeah 

this is so delicious you guys are gonna love it you have to go try it less than one minute you have a chocolate chip cookie so go try it and comment down below let me know what you think

so you just can't go wrong with this cookie it's the easiest thing ever three ingredients you have to try this 

so i made the  easiest three ingredient cookie let me show you how i made this so you're gonna start by using one cup of peanut butter crack one large egg sweetener sugar and mix this is the batter now we roll into little balls now make a crisscross pattern and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees 

and our cookies are done these are the easiest cookies you're gonna make three ingredients


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